About Rain Axe Company

Healthcare Cyber Security Engineer by day, Axe Builder by Night, and Passionate thrower every day.
I started my endeavor as a venue owner seeing how awesome the business was for a variety of reasons, but then I found I actually like throwing, and ultimately I knew I need to hang my own axes.
I became very competitive fairly quickly as soon as I figured out what all the buzz was about. I mean I’m still trash though….
Now Rain Axe Company is its own entity, I have two small businesses, a full time day job, and travel to tournaments with my wife who’s the best head judge there is and her milkcrate.
I don’t get much free time or me time… and that’s okay for the most part as long as building axes remains to be fun, creative, and I get to see the enjoyment folks get out of owning a Rain Axe.
I’ve since met a lot of awesome people and glad to call them my friends. If you’re reading this I’m proud to say you’re likely one of them.
What a rabbit hole/ride this has been LOL
Photographs by Jesse Levi Hummel of Throvv